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Cycling trip to Padle Village - Part II

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The second trip to Padle village was for exploring the forest on my cycle. I thought I was prepared for the trip, but I was wrong, and had to pay it with my blood – to the mosquitoes. There were thousands of mosquitoes, who will not spare you. My advice – wear full sleeve shirts, full length trousers, socks-shoes and apply Odomos on your face, neck and hands. Now you are ready to kick-off for the journey —

This is the jungle as seen from the main road to Padle Gaon Bird Watching Point

My first destination was the spot where I had cycled last week. While going to that spot, this jungle falls on your left side, and you need to find a way to enter this forest. The small way is not noticeable, you may miss it.

The ‘Padle Gaon Bird Watching’ point had more water in the creek, as compared to last week. It was also clean, comparatively.

Both pictures taken from the same spot as last week, with more flowing water

I went back to enter the forest. I was not sure whether my cycle would be able to handle such roads. But it coped well, and had a nice experience using my MTB on such roads.

There was greenery everywhere, and dry leaves lying on the ground. I had heard that there are snakes in this forest, but didn’t encounter one.

Was welcomed with these sun-rays

There were some canopies formed, sparse on the roads and dense inside. This road connects Mothi Desai village to some farms situated near Desai Khaadi on the north

The forest was dense from the inside. It had the cool effect – as if the hot sun didn’t have any effect on it.

I enjoyed this trip, and would be planning one again to explore the insides of this jungle on foot. With more preparation, more equipments and some food/water. Yeah, being a gujju, I may bring some thepla and achaar to this place.

This was the way back to Padle village. Don’t know where the left turn goes – added this to my list, will be exploring in the next trip.
