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Why is it necessary to keep your email secure?

·2 mins

Apart from the normal reasons for keeping our email accounts secure, there are many more which we try to ignore, or are not aware of the possibilities.

Take this scenario – why to keep the work-related and social email accounts seperate and confidential (if possible):

If someone knows the basic information about you, your social networking account can be hacked. The main ingredient is – your email id. Its better to keep the id secure which you are using for networking. If the work and social email ids are the same, there are more chances of people guessing-knowing your basic informations, providing more chance for your account to get compromised.

I just wanted to let you know – that nobody is secure.

Some minutes back, I received a DM on my twitter by a friend. The DM contained –

Did you see this pic of you? lol

And, it was from a girl who’s in the network security field since 12 years. Clearly, her account was hacked, and the victim account was used to send DMs to get some more accounts.

The result of clicking on that link will be? — Some metasploit exploit, abusing the vulnerabilities on your computer.

Point is, do not share email ids with anyone, do not click any link (even if its from a friend, verify the link by some online checker), change the password every 2 weeks, keep seperate email accounts, and patch your system regularly.

But still, you are insecure.
