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Instagram - Your posts are not really private

·1 min

You are using Instagram, right? And you might have kept your posts private, so that only your followers can view your posts. Yes, even I have ticked the option to allow only my followers to view my posts.

instagram setting

That option works well if you are browsing through Instagram only. But what if you post your Instagram picture’s link like this:

instagram link on twitter

The post on your Instagram profile was limited only to your followers (maybe 150, 1500 or 150k), but now your tweet has made that picture available to millions of people who are on the Internet. Anybody can click on the link and see your picture.

post seen in logged-out mode

My Instagram picture, as viewed in logged-out mode (

Although, when you visit my profile, you will see that my account is private!

private instagram profile

Instagram should follow one rule- if an user opts to have a private profile, you need to make sure (from server side) that the posts remain visible only to the followers on Instagram. Need to have better access control.