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Life, at Gandhinagar

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Yes, moved to Gandhinagar-Ahmedabad last week. Got admitted for the M.Tech. course at Gujarat Technological University, for specialization in IT Systems and Network Security. Instead of the conventional Computer Engineering Masters, I chose the special course for my passion, computer networks and security. Even the subjects are interesting, like Distributed and Cloud Computing, Grid Computing and Network Defense and Countermeasures. I am very excited to study these subjects.

Last week passed with basics of Operating Systems and Object Oriented Designing. The institute uses OpenSuse 12.0 as their primary OS for the Labs. Object Oriented lectures were a revision of the fundamental concepts, as I am familiar with them because of the subjects like Object Oriented Concepts and Advanced Java Technology during my Bachelors. All the faculties are from CDAC-ACTS centers, veteran and expert in their fields. I am liking the environment and work culture at this college which needs full dedication, though it is somewhat strict.

Next Monday I am shifting to Sector 5A, Gandhinagar. The way to college needs a bus ride plus some walking. The walkway to my college is so lush green that it tempts you to take a walk even if you don’t like walking. And here’s a picture of it:

walkway to college

Also, started using Tata Photon 3G wireless to stay connected all the time. Will update more frequently now, about my college life, security projects, and our access to Param Yuva (yeah, surprise!) through ParamNet.