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Project Work - Phase II

·1 min

Hello all. I have started working on my second phase of the college project – to develop a secure network at a medium business office. As part of the project, I was asked to solve the network problems, plus develop a solution network in the industry. So I will be working part-time for developing the network with advanced features.

The network which I have to develop has large number of computers, connected as clients to the server, security mechanisms consisting of Firewall, Access Control Lists, IP Sec and site blocking. A VLAN will be configured between three divisions of the company. The authorities need the wi-fi networking in their area, while the staff will be provided the ethernet local area network. The server will be a Windows machine, configured with DHCP, Active Directory, IIS, FTP Server and Group Policy Management. I will keep you updated regarding my progress in developing the network.

Adios, for now.