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A Quick Recap

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Back here, writing after a long time! Let me point down some of the major incidents during that time –

Attended the High Performance Computing workshop by CDAC-ACTS #

The workshop on High Performance Computing was really a nice arrangement by CDAC for the students to learn and be familiar with the parallel processing. They offered the supercomputer access to perform the OpenMP and MPI programs, along with nice practical teaching from the HPC experts.

Suffered typhoid for half a month #

The fever, which was caused because of some sort of food poisoning, made me suffer for a fortnight. I lost weight in notable proportions, but now I’m doing all good! Due to the fever I missed some of the lectures at college – but that’s no problem – as they were of my favourite subjects – Cloud Computing and Network Defense.

Attended the Google gDay at Mumbai, it was all about Android JellyBeans, Maps and Google Plus #

The trip to Mumbai was great! Travelling whole night in the train – tea at every station, a new experince with excitement in the land of dreams, an awesome event by Google, a trip in the Best bus, an empty local train, Mumbai vada-pav, key chains, halwa, all in a single day!!

Performed nicely in the mid-semester exams and practicals #

Before the exams I was not expecting to score much in those exams, but that thing boosted me up and worked hard to get a nice rank in the exams – the first exams of my M.Tech. syllabus. I faced the online exams for the first time, totally practicals oriented subjects, and I am happy that I stood 3rd in the class.

Attended Microsoft TechDays at Ahmedabad, learning about Windows 8 and Server 2012 #

Ah, how can I forget the haste I made on that day! I badly wanted to attend the Microsoft TechDay event – while the exams were going on. The next day exam was of Advanced Operating Systems, and yes, I wanted to attend the event which was about the operating systems. Still I managed to travel to Ahmedabad for the event and attend the Windows 8 and Server 2012 phases – though I missed the Visual Studio part.

Cisco Learning Network #

The Cisco Learning Network is the best thing for a Networking guy! All the Cisco networking guys at one place – helping each other and boosting the spirits to perform better for the certifications and to solve the problems at their workplace. I like the friendly atmosphere the VIPs and Managers have created there, along with the pointing systems. Also, it gives a feel like a true Social Networking site – adding of the friends, updates, messages, discussions, games. I was a member of the community since long, but got to feel it when I became active during the last months.

That’s all! Adios..